
Ζητούνται δοκιμαστές φαγητού αστροναυτών στη Χαβάη!

Η ιδανική εργασία: ταξιδεύετε στη Χαβάη όπου θα τρώτε διαστημικό φαγητό 

Το πλήρωμα του Διεθνούς Διαστημικού Σταθμού απολαμβάνει το διαστημικό της γεύμα
Eπιστήμονες του Cornell και του Πανεπιστημίου της Χαβάης θα πραγματοποιήσουν μια έρευνα διάρκειας 120 ημερών σχετικά με την εξερεύνηση του  Άρη, σε μια ηφαιστειογενή τοποθεσία στη Χαβάη που μοιάζει με την επιφάνεια του πλανήτη. Η μελέτη θα επικεντρωθεί στη "δίαιτα" έξι εθελοντών, οι οποίοι θα κληθούν να ζήσουν και να εργαστούν σαν αστροναύτες.
Θα δοθεί έμφαση ώστε οι συμμετέχοντες να συγκρίνουν δύο είδη τροφίμων: τα μαγειρεμένα από το πλήρωμα έναντι των προ - μαγειρεμένων. Σκοπός της έρευνας είναι να αποφευχθεί αυτό που έχει ονομαστεί "κόπωση μενού" κατά τη διάρκεια μιας αποστολής μεγάλης διάρκειας.

Οι αιτήσεις θα λαμβάνονται μέχρι στις 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 και διαβάστε παρακάτω τα προαπαιτούμενα (μεταξύ των οποίων είναι η άριστη γνώση της αγγλικής γλώσσας):
Crew Selection

We are seeking participants for this study with qualifications similar to those required by NASA for their astronaut applicants, as follows:

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, in engineering, biological or physical sciences, mathematics, or computer science.
  • Professional experience (including graduate school) of at least three years beyond the bachelor’s degree
  • Ability to pass a class 2 flight physical examination
  • No history of upper airway surgery, rhinoplasty, chronic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis
  • No other medical or psychological condition that would preclude participation in this study
  • Willingness and ability to eat a wide range of foods
  • Normal sense of taste and smell
  • Tobacco-free for at least 24 months
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct field research
  • Strong interest in human space exploration
  • Fluency in verbal and written English
  • Availability and willingness to take time to participate in the workshop and the two analogue missions
  • Experience in a complex operational system, e.g. submarine, ambulance, airplane cockpit, control room
  • Background in medicine or nursing at the “first responder” level or higher
  • Ability to lift 15 kg and to cover 100 m on foot in 40 seconds or less
  • Experience in construction, electronics, or home repair
  • Body mass index between 19 and 25.
  • Not pregnant or lactating during 2012 and 2013
  • Household cooking experience
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Age between 21 and 65
Application and Selection Procedure

Please fill out the application form and email it with your CV/resumι and a cover letter to binsted@hawaii.edu stating why you wish to participate in the program. The deadline is 11:59pm Hawaii time on February 29th, 2012.
Εάν επιλεγείτε η αποζημίωση σας θα έχει ως εξής...
Compensation, and penalties for early withdrawal

Four-day training workshop: Reimbursement of travel (economy class), lodging and food expenses for the workshop.

Two-week training mission: Travel, food and lodging expenses will be provided. In addition, a $500 honorarium will be paid to crewmembers and the alternate(s) working in local research support who complete the training mission.

120-day Mars analogue mission: Round trip travel, food and lodging expenses are provided. Crewmembers in the habitat will be paid a stipend of $25 per day spent in the analogue habitat plus a completion bonus at the end of the mission, for a total mission compensation of $5000 over and above travel, lodging and food expenses. Alternates working in research support roles near the habitat will have their housing and round trip transportation paid for, a per diem for food, and will receive the same stipend and completion bonus as the crewmembers.

A participant choosing to leave the study during a mission will forfeit any completion bonuses and will become responsible for any fees associated with changes in his or her travel plans. A participant dropped from the study for medical or psychological reasons will be paid a prorated completion bonus and will be reimbursed for fees associated with changes in his or her travel plans.

Medical Care and Medical Expenses

Participants are expected to carry their own medical insurance. They are expected to notify the study team of any medical condition that might jeopardize their participation in the study. Participants will be asked to obtain a dental examination 60-90 days prior to the Mars analogue mission study (at their own expense), and to have any necessary dental work completed before the mission (at their own expense).
During both the training mission and the analogue mission, non-urgent medical care will be provided by telemedical support request initiated via cell phone text messaging to a consulting physician (the “flight surgeon”) and continued via e-mail. This strategy has been used successfully for the last ten years at the Mars Desert Research Station. In case urgent medical care is needed, the analog crewmembers will contact both the flight surgeon (for advice) and the alternates (available close at hand) to arrange for emergency care. A test of the telemedical support system will be performed at the beginning of each mission in the habitat and at two-week intervals during the 4-month Mars analogue mission.

A well-equipped first aid kit, and a set of typical over-the-counter medications, will be provided in the habitat. The medications will be kept locked, with keys held by the crew commander and the health and safety officer.

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